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If you want to contribute an article our site, you can submit the article directly from the dashboard. The simple steps are:- Head over to the registration Page, and create an account to submit your article. Your article will then be viewed by the administrator of this site, then your article will then get an approval for posting. After Approval an article will be posted by your name. Register Here For regular contributer of our site, he/she will be selected […]

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Data Structure Notes

A Data type refers to a named group of data which share similar properties or characteristics and which have common behaviour among them. Three fundamental data types used in C programming are int for integer values, float for floating-point numbers and char for character values. But, sometimes a need arises to treat a group of different data types as a single unit. In such a case,Data structures can be beneficial as data structures let you combine data of different types and process them together. Data […]

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